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Hello Everyone! I wanted to just talk for a moment about the last time I was bullied.  I remember being so ashamed of myself all of the sudden. As if I had done something wrong. I held it in and didnt tell.  One day my mom noticed something was bothering me even though I assured her it was "nothing".  She wasnt buying it.  She simply just gave me a hug. I started crying and told her I felt so ugly.  Then I told her what had happened at school...... Thought for the day: Parents: sometimes all you need to do is give us a hug.  We will eventually tell what is bothering us.  Kids: Let your parents hug you.  Trust will feel better :) Have a Wonderful Day Everyone!
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Important information for parents and kids of all ages

Good morning! My mom and I were talking about different types of bullying today. Bullying comes in many forms. Sometimes you may not realize you are being bullied. Its not just about being called names or someone pushing you into a locker. A very scary situation happened with my family recently. As you may or may not know, title holders have FB pages (not an account but a blog type page). If you are under 16 years old it most likely is off one of your parents FB accounts. Thankfully mine is under my moms account. A man decided to send very inappropriate photos in a message to me. I even had an auto reply that said   "Hello! Thank you for following my page! Please note that I am only 9 years old. Any and all messages are monitored by and should be directed at my parents. Thank you 😊" BUT.......that didn't seem to matter to him. My parents immediately reported this to the police and to facebook. I never saw the photos or messages. God was looking out for me as well
  Today is the day we unveiled this page officially on Facebook. Im so excited to hear from you all. Please share your thoughts with me or if you just want to chat you can do that too! Have a wonderful day 😘😘 Love 💕 Brooklynn


I am so excited to be able to share this page with you. With the help of a couple of very special friends that made this possible, I welcome you to #BrooklynnsHope.